

I am a software engineer based in Bamenda Cameroon. While trying to be useful in the industry, I have explored several technology paths of the software engineering field. From web dev frontend (HTML, CSS, JS, React, Redux), to backend (Springboot, Java, SQL, MongoDB, NodeJS, Express JS, Firebase, Firestore), to Mobile dev (Android studio, Flutter, Java, Kotlin), to automated testing of software and web scraping (OpenQA, Selenium, Playwright).

Below is a summary of my industry experience.

  • I graduated from the University of Bamenda in 2023, as a software engineer
  • Was an Outreachy Intern during the December 2023 to March 2024 cohort working at GNOME on the project: Implement end-to-end tests for GNOME OS using openQA. During which we wrote tests for core accessibility features of the GNOME Desktop, and also tests for mobile apps, and locales. I keep contributing to the project.
  • I was a software engineer at Adipster Tech Limited between the months of August to December 2023. My work there was mostly centered around building, testing, deploying and maintaining software with tools like: Python, Selenium, Playwright, MySQL, AWS, Docker, etc.
  • I worked part-time with the e-hooyia team between the months of March to July of 2023 to develop the website. I led the front-end team and we used tools like: ReactJS and CSS.
  • I was an intern at Nasia Tech Limited During the period of February 2022 to November 2022. Worked in the Back-end team, making use of tools like: Java, Springboot, Docker, MySQL, etc.
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